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‘Twas a Season of Giving

As we kick off the new year, I have been thinking of the ways we like to give back to our community. It is a good time to tie a bow on 2019 by giving back, and set some resolutions to donate our time in the coming decade. Here are some of the ways the MKP team enjoy giving back.

Occupational therapist and MKP Owner, Chris volunteers with the Autism Society of San Diego as a member of the board of directors. He also sponsors a child through the Save the Children and is a regular blood donor for the San Diego Blood Bank. Chris registered as a bone marrow donor with Be The Match almost twenty years ago after tragically watching his 17 year-old client not find a match. Coincidentally, I participate in an annual beach volleyball tournament to raise funds and register donors for Be The Match each September.

Additionally, I have been traveling to Mexico with different healthcare organizations since 2009. In my undergraduate years, I volunteered with the Flying Samaritans with the University of California, Irvine (UCI). The organization provides basic medical services to residents in Baja California. The UCI chapter is a team of pre-med students and licensed healthcare professionals. As a graduate student working toward my Doctor of Physical Therapy degree, I was able to assist with providing physical therapy (PT) services with the San Diego State University chapter of Flying Samaritans. Prior to graduating and becoming a licensed PT, I determined I wanted to specialize in pediatric PT. Shortly after, I connected with Jornada. Jornada, Spanish for “a day’s journey”, is a volunteer organization that provides rehabilitative care and equipment for children with disabilities in collaboration with the Hospital Infantil de las Californias in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico. I am passionate about providing affordable (free!) healthcare to underserved populations in our community. I’m is currently teaching myself Spanish in my free time so that I can better serve the families I works with, both in SD and TJ.

How do you like to give back, or what are some of your resolutions for next year? Let us know if you would like additional information on the organizations and events mentioned above.

Happy New Year, everyone! Have a great 2020 🙂

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