Sensory Processing Skills

Sensory processing is the ability to receive and process information from the sensory systems including gustatory (taste), auditory (hearing), olfactory (smell), tactile (touch), visual (sight), proprioceptive (body position), interoception (internal physiological sense), and vestibular (balance via the inner ear).

Behavior, attention, and peer interactions are greatly influenced by a child’s ability to process sensory stimuli. With so much input from the world and our bodies being processed in the brain, any errors along the way can impact other cognitive functions. Any challenges your child may be facing may actually have a sensory processing component! Report any concerns to our occupational therapists to see how we can help!

Eight images depicting the different senses point to a sketch of the brain. The images from top left to bottom right are: Taste (a child licking their fingers), Hearing (a child holding their hand to their ear), Smell (a child smelling flowers), Touch (a child's hand in an adult hand), Sight (a child looking through a magnifying glass), Proprioception (a child jumping in the air with hair in pigtails flying), Interoception (a child holding their stomach, smiling), Vestibular (a child balancing while walking along a wall).
The 8 senses from left to right: Taste, Hearing, Smell, Touch, Sight, Proprioception, Interoception, Vestibular.